Full PDF documents and reports are available below.
Lower Snake River Dam Breach Mitigation Plan and Cost 2020.
Economic Anthology: A Collection of Works 1.28.2019
BPA’s 2018-2023 Strategic Plan 01.2018
FOIA request of costs on the Snake from 2012 – 2019
Northwest Resource Information Center’s Investigation of Waste of Federal Funds and Violations of Other Federal Laws by Bonneville Power Authority 2.26.2013
BPA’s response to Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers questions regarding spending on fish recovery and mitigation in the FCRPS 6.5.2017
BPA Financial Crisis 24.9.2018
Decommissioning Lower Snake River Dams Would Help Resolve BPA’s Financial Issues & Rising Rates 8.17.2017 or PDF by Jim Waddell & John Twa
Policy Considerations SUMMARY 6.22.17 or PDF
Policy Considerations SUMMARY 9.8.2016 or PDF
Policy Considerations for Breaching the Snake River Dams 8.30.2016
National Economic Analysis of the Four Lower Snake Dams by Earth Economics 2.22.2016
Regional Economic Dev Summary, Reevaluation, Lower Snake Dams 2.22.2016
Breach Plan-Estimate 2.21.2016 Jim Waddell
Cost of Dams, Rebuttal 7.29.2015
The Costs of Keeping the Four Lower Snake River Dams: A Reevaluation of the Lower Snake River Feasibility Report 7.28.2015
Alt 3 Base Yr 2001 Costs 2001
Alt 3 Base Yr 2001 and 2015 Costs 2015
Alt 3 Base Yr 2015 Costs 2015
Lower Snake River Dam Alternative Power Costs by Rocky Mountain Econometrics 6.22.2015
Costs Analysis Chart: Operations, Maintenance & Repairs Vs. Breaching and Maintaining Recreation 1.1.2015
Commercial Navigation on the Lower Snake River: Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right by Jim Waddell 12.12.2014 Updated 1.15.2019
2020 State of the Snake January 2020.
2019 State of the Snake 1.28.2020
Environmental Anthology: A Collection of Works 1.28.2019
NOAA 2017 Endangered Species Act Recovery Plan – Page 241 discusses time and cost estimates.
Salmon Surrogate Study: inflated survival rates of Chinook due to increase in Hatchery output.
2010 Army Corps Adaptive Management Implementation plan – A plan for a plan for a plan to study dam breaching. Referenced in the state of the snake.
NOAA Fact Sheet: Saving Southern Resident Killer Whales 11.30.2018 & NOAA Fact Sheet: Southern Resident Killer Whales and West Coast Chinook Salmon (Rebuttal) 11.30.2018
Snake River Scorecard 3.25.2018
The 2017 “State of the Snake” Updated 1.3.2018 or PDF
How are the Snake River Salmon and Steelhead Really Doing? 11.18.2016 John Twa, Chart 11.18.2016
The Vital Connection between the Endangered Orcas, Chinook Salmon & the Four Lower Snake River Dams 9.20.2016 or PDF
Cooling the Snake River Bullet Points Final 4.26.2016
NOAA Position Paper, re LSR Dams and SRKWs 3.16.2016 & Response to NOAA West Coast Region’s Position Paper entitled Southern Resident Killer Whales and Snake River Dams 4.14.2016
White Paper Southern Resident Killer Whales 2.24.2016
Estimation of a Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) Population’s Diet Using Sequencing Analysis of DNA from Feces 1.6.2016
Snake River Endangered Salmon White Paper 11.4.2015
Appendix 1 Fall Chinook Surrogates 11.4.2015
Sockeye adult fish passage and water temperature issues in the Columbia and Snake rivers 10.28.2015
Nez Perce Fish Management Plan 2013-2028
An update of the 2016 methane paper by Jim Waddell and John Twa 08.2020
The Lower Snake River Reservoirs Generate Significant Amounts of Methane, a Potent Greenhouse Gas 2016 by John Twa
What the bubble knows: Lake methane dynamics revealed by sediment gas bubble composition. 2019. Journal of Limnology and Oceanography
Methane Ebullition in Temperate Hydropower Reservoirs and Implications for US Policy on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. 2017. Journal of Environmental Management 60:615–629
EPA Report: High Methane Emissions from a Midlatitude Reservoir Draining an Agricultural Watershed
Green House Gas Emissions from Eastern Washington Reservoirs Department of Energy 3.2013
Transportation Methods, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and the Lower Snake River Reservoirs 1.24.2017 by John Twa
Claims of Sustained Peaking, Ramping, Reserve, Flexibility and Balancing Power from the lower Snake River Dams; What Is Feasible? Waddell et al. April 2020 , updated Dec 2020
Fourteen Fatal Flaws of the of the Columbia River Systems Operations Draft Environmental Impact Statement by Jim and Nina April 2020.
Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee 2017 Resolution to breach the Dams
Policy & Implementation Anthology: A Collection of Works 1.28.2019
Jim Waddell’s Answer to OTF Snake River Breaching Webinar 9.27.18
Letter to Eastern Washington 8.2.2018
Controversy, Conflict and Compromise: A History of the Lower Snake River Development (PDF – uploaded on 4.25.2018)
Irrigation Impacts of LSRD, Rob Sampson 9.5.2018
Poll on Washington Voter Views of Wild Salmon and Snake River Dams 3.28.2018
Five Means for Breaching 4 Lower Snake River Dams 9.19.2017 Jim Waddell | Updated 10.10.2018
A Case Study: Ice Harbor Irrigation report by Earth Economics
A Snapshot of Snake River Irrigated Agriculture 10.24.2016 Earth Economics
Using the 2002 EIS to Breach the Dams 11.2.2016 or PDF
2002 Army Corps of Engineers Lower Snake River Feasibility Report/Environmental Impact Statement (FR/EIS): Walla Walla district is no longer allowing public viewing for this. Please click here for an online version of the FR/EIS
PNW Energy Oversupply Fact Sheet 10.14.2016 or PDF
Breach the Four Lower Snake River Dams event at Mt. Grant Preserve on San Juan Island 9.3.2016
Breach on Lower Granite Dam Summary 5.1.2016
Executive Branch Policy Rational for Breaching 2.23.2016 Jim Waddell
LSRD Public Outreach 6.1.2016
Recreational Benefits of Breaching the Four Lower Snake River Dams 11.2015