DamSense > Letters of Record

Letters of Record

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Executive BranchCongressionalState, Local & Other

Jim Waddell Letter to President Biden April 2023

Jim Waddell Letter to Jennifer Granholm March 2023

Jim Waddell Letter to Jennifer Granholm Nov. 2022

Jim Waddell Letter to President Biden Sept. 2022

Jim Waddell Letter to the Honorable Micheal L Connor March 2022

Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) response to May 2021 letter, dated Aug 2021

Jim Waddell Letter to Jaime Pinkham  May 2021

Jim Waddell Letter to Assistant Secretary of the Army June 2020

Jim Waddell letter to General Semonite at HQUSACE April 2020

Jim Waddell letter to General Semonite at HQUSACE 10.26.2018

Joyce D Parks to Mindy Simmons US Army Corps urging immediate use of 2002 EIS to begin dam breaching 1.4.2018

Joyce D Parks Letter to Anne Cann, US Army Corps encouraging LTG Semonite, the Environmental Advisory Board and Corps leadership to take immediate action using 2002 EIS 1.2.2018

Joyce D Parks to President Trump requesting Executive Order to Breach the Dams 1.1.2018

Jo-Ellen Darcy, Asst Secretary of the Army to James Waddell, page 3 2.23.2017

Sharon Grace to Chris Yates, NOAA Assistant Regional Administrator 12.20.2016 or PDF

Jim Waddell to Lieutenant General Todd Semonite, US Army Corps of Engineers 6.17.2016 and links to supporting documents

Sharon Grace/Jim Waddell to Jo-Ellen Darcy, Asst Secretary of the Army; re Court Decision 5.11.2016

Balcomb/Berta/Grace/Waddell to Kathryn D. Sullivan, Undersecretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere Administrator NOAA 4.14.2016

Jim Waddell to President Barack Obama Ltr, V3.1  email 3.4.2016

Sharon Grace/Jim Waddell to Jo-Ellen Darcy, Asst Secretary of the Army  V3.1 2.23.2016

Carl Christianson/Jim Waddell to Eileen Sobeck, Assistant Administrator, NOAA Fisheries; Recovering Federally Endangered Snake river Salmon and Steelhead 11.3.2015

Group to Lt. Col. Timothy Vail, Commander, USACE Walla Walla District 10.21.2015

Group to Bostic re Vail Follow Up Letter12.21.2015

Hansen/Waddell/Weiss/Wieland to President Barack Obama; Recovering Federally Endangered Killer Whales 5.27.2015

Maxine Waddell to Michelle Obama; Recovering Endangered Species by breaching lower Snake dams 5.2015

Thomas O’Keefe, American Whitewater to President Barack Obama 4.28.2015

Kevin Lewis, Iaho Rivers United to President Barack Obama 4.23.2015

Group to Jo-Ellen Darcy, Asst Secretary of the Army; Recovering Federally Endangered Killer Whales by breaching the lower Snake dams 1.24.2015 also sent to Patty Murray, U.S. Senate 2015

Jim Waddell to Jo-Ellen Darcy, Asst Secretary of the Army 10.9.2014

Jim Waddell comments to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterway Users Advisory Board 4.14.2014

Jim Waddell to Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assist Secretary of the Army 9.13.2013

Jo-Ellen Darcy to Jim Waddell Response 12.12.2013

Dam Sense “Methane Letter” to the Northwest Delegation February 2020

Joyce D Parks to Alaska’s US Congress Murkowski, Sullivan & Young 4.24.2018 or PDF

Jim Waddell to the office of Washington Representative Dan Newhouse 4.2.2018 or PDF

Gary Lane & Group (small businesses of Riggins ID) to Idaho Senator James Risch  4.12.2017

Howard Garret, Orca Network to Governor Jay Inslee 11.2.2016

Howard Garrett, Orca Network to The Honorable Patty Murray 11.2.2016

Howard Garrett, Orca Network to The Honorable Maria Cantwell 11.2.2016

Group of Scientists to Senator Patty Murray, SRKW CSI Scientist’s Letter 1.24.2015 In addition, this letter personally addressed  and hand delivered to the following DC offices by Jim Waddell and Jenna Ziogas;  Maria Cantwell, Mike Crapo, Jo-Ellen Darcy, Susan Delbene, Eric Hansen, Derek Kilmer, Rick Larson, Rodger McMorris, Jeff Merkley, Dan Newhouse, David Reichert, Adam Smith, Ron Wyden, ASA(CW), CEQ and the Secretary of the Interior.

Carl Christianson/Jim Waddell to Senator Murray 11.3.2015

Letter to WA Gov. Jay Inslee from industry experts April 2020

Jim Waddell letter to Gov. Brown January 2020 

Jim Waddell letter to Gov. Brown 12.15.2018

Jim Waddell letter to Gov. Inslee 10.12.2018

Amy Eberling to the Environmental Advisory Board 9.17.2018 

Jim Waddell (hand delivered) to Washington’s Southern Resident Killer Whale Recovery and Task Force 5.1.2018 or PDF

Howard Garrett in response to Sen. Kevin Ranker 9.20.2018

Jim Waddell to the residents of Eastern Washington 9.5.2018

Jim Waddell to WA Representative Mike Chapman. Provides requested input re: House Bill 2417 1.14.2018

Howard Garrett to Orca/Salmon Alliance re News Release and Explaining the Feasibility of Breaching 1.5.2018 or PDF

Sharon Grace to Puget Sound Leadership Council 11.1.2017 or PDF

Howard Garrett, Orca Network appeals to Puget Sound Partnership for help 10.30.2017 or PDF

John Twa Comments for the Inland Waterway Users Board meeting 7.19.2017

James M Waddell Comments for the Inland Waterway Users Board meeting 7.19.2017

John Twa Letter to the Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Advisory Board meeting in Traverse City, MI 7.12.2017

James M Waddell Letter to the Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Advisory Board meeting in Traverse City, MI 7.12.2017

John Twa to the Nez Perce County Commissioners about dam breaching 4.17.2017

Jim Waddell Addendum ASACW Darcy letter to the Honorable Michael H Simon 2.23.2017

Jim Waddell Amicus Brief to the Honorable Michael H Simon 2.13.2017

Letter from London Fletcher, public input to Federal Agency Scoping Meeting 12.1.2016

Letter from Joel Fletcher, public input to Federal Agency Scoping Meeting 12.1.2016

Earth Economics Press Release Snake River Dams 3.16.2016