Lower Snake River Weekly Update
Posted /UncategorizedLower Snake River Weekly Update- 4/6/17
The counting of returning fish at Lower Granite Dam on the lower Snake River resumed on 3/1/17. Steelhead are the first species to be seen. Here is the tally as of 4/6/17:
Steelhead counted to date in 2017: 6104
Steelhead counted to date in 2016: 4314
Steelhead counted to date, 10 yr avg.: 6174
Wild Steelhead counted to date in 2017: 2357
Wild Steelhead counted to date in 2016: 2269
Wild Steelhead counted to date, 10 yr avg.: 2077
Here is a snapshot of what the yearly run looks like. The majority of steelhead return in September and October. Idaho Fish and Game is predicting a dismal return of B-run steelhead into Idaho this fall. More information can be found in this Lewiston Tribune article.