DamSense > In The Community

In The Community

12.11.2018 Letter from Ken Balcomb to Orca-Salmon Alliance

12.11.2018 Letter from Howard Garrett to Orca-Salmon Alliance

10.29.2018 Southern Resident Orca Task Force Draft Report: A Guide for BOLD Commenting

10.26.2018 Letter to General Semonite at HQUSACE

10.12.2018 Letter to Gov. Inslee

10.5.2018 BPA Newsroom: Transcript from Salmon, Orcas, and Dams webinar

9.20.2018 Howard Garrett in response to Sen. Kevin Ranker

9.10.2018 2nd Letter to Senator Kilmer from Gig Harbor Rotary Club

8.22.2018 Letter to Gov. Inslee & Orca Task Force by Joyce Parks

8.20.2018 Letter to Mark Pointer by Joyce Parks

8.7.2018 Orca Task Force Packet: materials handed out to the OTC members

8.2.2018 Letter to Elected Officials from Amber Rose

7.6.2018 Letter to General Semonite from Amy Eberling

8.6.2018 Response from General Semonite

8.14.2018 Rebuttal from Amy Eberling

10.12.2018 Email Response from NWD BG Helmlinger

6.13.2018 Letter to Senator Kilmer from members of Gig Harbor Rotary Club

5.17.2018    Hope for Orcas: Orca researcher Ken Balcomb and an Urgent Call to Action and Jim Waddell, UW-Tacoma William Philip Hall

5.20.2018  Tacoma News Tribune, John Burkhart

5.8.2018  News Release from University of Washington Tacoma, ‘Hope for Orcas’ to Discuss Threats, Prospects for Southern Resident Killer Whales PDF

4.29.2018   Salmon and Orca are on the Edge of Extinction, Anacortes Library Community Room

1.12.2017    Pressure on Senator Murray and Governor Inslee ramps up as campaign rolled out in the Peninsula Daily News.

1.10.2018    Ad expands to the The Olympian to bring attention to plight of Southern Resident Killer Whales and endangered wild salmon they depend upon.

1.07.2018  Seattle Times Full-page Ad:  Dammed to extinction, Southern Resident Orcas are starving. Time is running out! The message is a call-out to Senator Murray and Governor Inslee of Washington State asking them to support breaching the four Lower Snake River Dams.  It will help the public understand why breaching is important, how it can be done and that the lack of political will is the only thing standing in the way. This is one of the top issues for our region and for our time. Without action, salmon and resident orca species are headed for near-term extinction.[/toggle]

01.06.2018   Press Release re Ad Informing Governor Inslee and Senator Murray

Press Release – The Columbia River Basin Holds Immense Natural Capital Value 7.6.2017 or PDF

1.05.2018   The Journal of the San Juans:   Thousands start ad campaign to breach Snake River dams