DamSense > Get Involved

Get Involved

Change requires hard work, dedication, hope and vision. We need your help.


Donate Donate through paypal

Checks addressed to Dam Sense can be mailed to:

Pete Mehl

368 Marmot Loop

Port Angeles, WA 98362


Get connected

Join the DamSense Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Join the Dam Sense email list to stay informed

Join volunteers taking action for Salmon and Orca


Write & Call To Your Representatives

Visit our partner Dam Truth’s website NOW and take action today to persuade the Biden Administration to breach the dams!

Contact your elected representatives and federal agency officials and ask them to support immediate breaching of the Lower Snake River dams.

Learn the Facts

Dam Breaching Essentials gets you started.

Check out a variety of video, audio, radio & music videos in the Multi-Media Menu.  If you’re just learning about the issues and haven’t yet heard Jim Waddell speak, don’t miss his 5.4.2016 video presentation there.

Show Up at a Public Utility District Meeting

There is a good chance that where you live is powered by Bonneville Power Authority, the vendor of the hydroelectric power in the Columbia/Snake River system.  Public Utility Meetings are frequent and open to the public. Making a public comment will hold your elected commissioners accountable!


Attend an event

Register for an upcoming event.


Host a Screening

The easiest way to inform many people at once is to host a screening of Dammed to Extinction at your home/library/community center. Contact us for a copy and an invitation to have a discussion afterward.


Sign the petition

Sign the Petition to Prevent Southern Resident Orcas from being Dammed to Extinction.


We can’t do this without YOU.