DamSense > Uncategorized > Free the Snake Flotilla scheduled for Oct. 3

Free the Snake Flotilla scheduled for Oct. 3

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Flotilla_LogosOn October 3 hundreds of Pacific Northwest residents are gathering to paddle on lower Granite Lake, the reservoir created by Lower Granite Dam, one of four destructive dams on the lower Snake River. All are welcome to join for this historic event.

Click here to register and for more details.

The point is to gather as a community to draw attention to the ongoing taxpayer waste and environmental destruction wrought by the four lower Snake River dams. The point is also to come together as a community. Whether advocates for common-sense spending of taxpayer dollars, endangered southern resident killer whales, energy reform, endangered salmon or better transportation alternatives, we have a common cause. which is removal of four wasteful, salmon-killing dams on the lower Snake.

Follow this link for more details and to register. And please join us Oct. 3 to tell our elected leaders it’s time to remove the lower Snake River dams. It’s time to free the Snake.