Policy & Factual Points for Breaching the Four Lower Snake River Dams

Printable PDF The four Lower Snake River dams with their warm slack water reservoirs are killing what is left of the salmon and the river. By 1999 the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) had determined that to recover ESA-listed Snake River spring/summer Chinook, the most risk averse action would include dam breaching, a harvest moratorium, […]

Salmon Surrogate Study: Inflated survival rate of Chinook

Appendix 1.2 – Snake River Endangered Salmon White Paper The Endangered Species Act (ESA) requires both survival and recovery of Snake River listed wild salmon stocks.1 A plethora of National Marine Fisheries Service (“NMFS,” aka NOAA Fisheries Service) and independent research clearly establishes that hatchery produced displacement of wild fish and domestication of the gene […]

Commercial Navigation on the Lower Snake River

January 2019 By Jim Waddell, Civil Engineer, PE USACE Retired The 2002 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Lower Snake River Programmatic Sediment Management Plan (LSRPSMP) created by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) erroneously claimed that maintenance of the lower Snake River navigation channel provides an annual savings of $25 million. The Northwest […]

Request for U.S. Department of Energy Inspector General Investigation of Waste of Federal Funds and Violations of Other Violations of Other Federal Laws by Scofflaw Culture in Upper Management of Bonneville Power Administration

February 28, 2013 Submitted by Northwest Resource Information Center This document provides documentation of Bonneville Power Administration upper management’s calculated profligate waste of federal funds and scofflaw behavior vis-à-vis operations of the Federal Columbia River Power System which, contrary to law, decimated Snake River Basin anadromous fish (herein “salmon”), drove them onto the List of […]

Waddell Amicus Brief Seeks Immediate Dam Breaching

An amicus curiae (“friend of court”) is not a party to the legal case. Amicus briefs are meant to provide additional information, expertise or insight to the court to assist with decision-making. An Amicus brief filed by Jim Waddell and a collective of experts – Chris Pinney, Deborah Giles, Ken Balcomb, and Rod Sando – […]