Sockeye & Steelhead return to Bonneville dam 07/03/17
Posted /UncategorizedSpring Chinook Salmon
The spring Chinook run is over at Bonneville dam. The final tally:
2017: 83,624
2016: 137,215
10 yr avg: 150,783
Summer Chinook Salmon
Summer returns are now in progress at Bonneville dam:
2017: 63,253
2016: 81,652
10 yr avg: 69,802
As if those numbers were not depressing enough…
Sockeye Salmon

The sockeye salmon run is well underway. Current returns at Bonneville dam:
2017: 67,621
2016: 300,833
10 yr avg: 239,986
At this point, 2017 is at 22% of 2016 and 28% of the 10 year average.

Steelhead returns at Bonneville dam have also begun:
2017: 5,389
2016: 16,420
10 yr avg: 17,085
These returns are less than a third of 2016 and the 10 year average returns.
Whatever the federal agencies are doing to save salmon, it’s not working. Time to exercise Alternative 4 in the 2002 FR/EIS (breaching). And the sooner the better.