DamSense > Uncategorized > Salmon/Orca advocates pan Walla Walla Corps Commander remarks about lower Snake River dam benefits

Salmon/Orca advocates pan Walla Walla Corps Commander remarks about lower Snake River dam benefits

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Dear Lt. Col. Vail:

We write to express concern over comments written by or attributed to you 1) at the
October 3rd Free the Snake Flotilla, 2) in recent letters-to-the editor, 3) in recent news articles,
and 4) on the Corps of Engineers’ current website.

To a participant during the Flotilla event you noted your appreciation for such events
as expressions of American democracy at work. We would hope you also tout an informed
citizenry as crucial to democracy and consider it your mandate as a government official—
particularly one of your rank and influence— to provide the public with accurate, data-verifiable

In light of that mandate, we challenge, as detailed below, several of your recent comments
(in bold): Read the letter in full here…