DamSense > Newspaper print

Newspaper print

We published multiple full-page announcements in newspapers around the Puget Sound and surrounding areas.

This ad was published on Sunday, December 23, 2018 in The Seattle Times, The Bellingham Herald, and Peninsula Daily News, and on Wednesday, December 26, 2018 in The Journal of the San Juan Islands.

Directly addressing Governor Inslee and Senators Murray and Cantwell, this ad brings attention to the amount of juvenile Chinook salmon that will be killed by the four lower Snake River dams. It informs political leaders of what action they need to take to prevent this: immediate breaching of the four lower Snake River dams. If this action is taken,  there will be an increase of returning salmon—which will directly benefit Southern Resident Killer Whales and our fisheries. 

The People’s Recommendation 74 is a proclamation based on the overwhelming public comments made to Governor Inslee’s Orca Task Force in support of immediate dam breaching.

In closing, a caution to environmental group members reveals that not all groups have the primary interest of saving Chinook salmon and Southern Resident Killer Whales. This urges members to inquire into their group’s policy regarding immediate dam breaching; if members find that their group does not support this effort, they should request a change to their group’s  policy and support immediate dam breaching.

This ad was published in The Olympian on Sunday, December 23, 2018.

Directly addressing Governor Inslee, this ad brings to attention the international concern regarding the Southern Resident Killer Whales, and the fact that individuals are rising up and taking action.

The People’s Recommendation 74 is highlighted as well, which is a proclamation based on the overwhelming public comments made to Governor Inslee’s Orca Task Force.

In closing, Governor Inslee is quoted making statements about the importance of Southern Resident Killer Whales and how imperative it is to get our actions right. This ad challenges Governor Inslee to act on his word.

This ad was published on Sunday, December 23, 2018 in The Oregonian. 

Directly addressing the public, this ad brings to attention the reality that Snake River salmon are in steep decline. 

Highlighting the fact that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Bonneville Power Administration have the ability to reverse declining salmon trends by breaching the four lower Snake River dams, starting this winter. Failure to do so will result in the death of approximately two million juvenile salmon at each dam starting in five months.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers knows that the four lower Snake River dams combined benefit-to-cost ratio of $0.15 to $1.00 makes it their fiduciary responsibility to put them into non-operational status immediately. Why does the Corps remain inactive? BPA knows the dams provide surplus power which is sold at a loss and provide no “peaking power” benefits. Why does BPA continue funding the dams?

Directly addressing Governor Brown, this ad questions why she is listening to the statements that breaching is impossible.

In closing, a caution to environmental group members alerts the fact that not all groups have the primary interest of saving Chinook salmon and Southern Resident Killer Whales. This urges members to inquire into their group’s policy regarding immediate dam breaching. 

This ad was published on Friday, October 28, 2018 in the Tri-Cities Herald, Pullman Daily News, Spokesman Review, and the Walla Walla Union Bulletin

Addressing the public, this Ad was in response to propaganda present in eastern Washington regarding the Snake River Dams. Many in the eastern Washington region are told these dams are necessary for their livelihood, provide flood control, and supply power to their homes. These claims are proven false as evidenced in the Ad.