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2020 “State of the Snake”
“The lower Snake River Reservoirs generate a significant amount of Methane, A Potent Greenhouse Gas” 2020
Venture Magazine  – A vision of prosperity for Eastern Washington 
Southern Resident Killer Whales & Columbia/Snake River Chinook: A review of the available scientific evidence February 2020
2020 Letter to Governor Inslee
“Claims of Sustained Peaking, Ramping, Reserve, Flexibility and Balancing Power from the lower Snake River Dams; What Is Feasible?”
Five Means Paper – A report on how quick and easy breaching can be accomplished
Army Corps of Engineers 2002 Environmental Impact Statement, Summary – Page 24 evaluates breaching as the best alternative to recover salmon.
2016 National Economic Analysis of the Four Lower Snake Dams by Earth Economics. This report shows the calculated cost-benefit ratio of a fifteen cent return for every dollar invested in the dams.