These one and two page summary documents cover cost/economic, biological and policy areas of concern when evaluating and considering whether the four lower Snake Dams should be kept or breached. They are supported by longer reports or documents, virtually all of which are sourced from government documents and prepared over the last three years. Updated versions will be added that reflect the biological urgency of breaching as soon as possible. Older versions reflecting the need to begin in 2016 and earlier will be maintained in order to document continuous delays by government, elected officials and others.
Lower Snake River SCORECARD 3.25.2016
National Economic Summary 2.22.2016
Regional Economic Summary, Summary prepared by Jim Waddell and based on Regional Economic Analysis of the Four Lower Snake River Dams prepared by Earth Economics 2.22.2016
Freight Transport on the Lower Snake River: A Declining Waterway of Negligible Use 1.20.2015
Lower Snake River Barge Emissions 1.24.2017
The Cost of Keeping the Lower Snake Dams 1.22.2015
Breach Plan and Cost–Summary and Conclusions 1.2016
Peak Power Demands is a Phony Excuse for Keeping the Four Lower Snake River Dams 10.17.2016
NEPA Considerations For Immediate Breaching of the Four Lower Snake River Dams, Tier 1 10.16.2016
So… How are the Snake River Salmon and Steelhead REALLY doing? 11.18.2016
Snake River Endangered Salmon White Paper Condensed 11.23.2015
NEPA Process – Snake River Salmon & Steelhead Will Not Survive A 5 Year or longer NEPA Process 10.2016