DamSense > Media > Video > “Free the Snake: Restoring America’s Greatest Salmon River” by Patagonia (7m 29s)
“Free the Snake: Restoring America’s Greatest Salmon River” by Patagonia (7m 29s)
Posted /VideoPatagonia video “Free the Snake: Restoring America’s Greatest Salmon River” featuring Jim Waddell, lays out the reasons why the four lower Snake River dams must be breached.
Nationwide screenings of Patagonia-produced documentary film DamNation have stirred spirits and educated a growing number of Americans, who see the film as a call to action.
The film makes a convincing case that revisiting some of America’s aging infrastructure—and removing some of it—only makes good sense for people, the economy and fisheries. For its majestic cinematography and unexpected discoveries about dam culture in America it is well worth seeking out. The film captures statements made by Jim Waddell (a civil engineer retired from the Army Corps of Engineers) at a community meeting about the Lower Snake River dams.