The US Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District operates and maintains four dams & locks in Eastern Washington State on the Lower Snake River:
Ice Harbor Lock and Dam (near the Tri-Cities of Pasco, Richland and Kennewick);
Lower Monumental Lock and Dam (near Ayer and Kahlotus);
Little Goose Lock and Dam (near Starbuck); and
Lower Granite Lock and Dam (near Pomeroy).
We believe that in order to save endangered Snake River salmon and the Southern Resident Killer Whales, the four lower Snake River dams must be breached by the current Administration.
Patagonia’s “Free the Snake” video provides a great overview of the biologic, economic, and cultural reasons why the four lower Snake River dams must be breached. (7m). 6.28.16
- Want a great written overview of the policy and factual reasons for breaching?
- Want to learn why the US Army Corps of Engineers can breach the dams without another NEPA process?
- Want to learn more about the biology?
- Want to learn more about the economics?
- Want to learn more about why the Northwest does not need the power from these dams?
- Want to learn how barging products to market over reservoirs generates more greenhouse gasses than rail or truck?
- Want some inspiration to help save endangered salmon and orcas?
- The Bonneville Power Administration 2018: Threatened, Endangered, or on the Brink of Extinction?
If you would like a slightly deeper dive, you will find these and additional one and two page summaries here.