Lower Snake River Dam Alternative Power Costs

June 2015 Prepared by Rocky Mountain Econometrics, Anthony Jones In early 2015 Idaho Rivers United asked Rocky Mountain Econometrics (RME) to bring its expertise to the subject and revisit the FREIS for the purpose of calculating the cost of replacing the energy produced by the LSRD in current (2015) dollars. To that end, the following […]

Regional Economic Analysis of the Four Lower Snake River Dams

February 2016 By Johnny Mojica, Research Analyst, Earth Economics Ken Cousins, PhD, Ecological Economist, Earth Economics Tania Briceno, PhD, Ecological Economist, Earth Economics This report estimates the number of jobs that will be provided by outdoor recreation spending in the six southeast Washington counties along the LSR as a result of dam breaching. In January […]

National Economic Analysis of the Four Lower Snake River Dams

February 2016 By Johnny Mojica, Research Analyst, Earth Economics Ken Cousins, PhD, Ecological Economist, Earth Economics Tania Briceno, PhD, Ecological Economist, Earth Economics This report presents a thorough analysis of the benefits and costs of the four Lower Snake River dams in both “keep dam” and “breach dam” scenarios. The dams were originally purposed for […]

A Rebuttal to the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association’s “The Costs of Keeping the Four Lower Snake River Dams: A Reevaluation of the Lower Snake River Feasibility Report”

In the 1960’s and 1970’s the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers constructed four dams on the lower Snake River without specific measures to allow juvenile salmon and steelhead to migrate downstream and out to the ocean. As a result, these dams killed millions and millions of juvenile salmon and steelhead every year. In the 1990’s […]

Claims of Sustained Peaking, Ramping, Reserve, Flexibility and Balancing Power from the lower Snake River Dams; What Is Feasible?

December 2020 (Updated); March 2020 (Original) Prepared by Jim Waddell, Civil Engineer, Retired USACE and PUD Commissioner*, Chris Pinney, Senior Fisheries Biologist, Retired USACE John Twa, Mechanical Engineer Edited by Nina Sarmiento, Binghamton University BS Ecology This paper examines the claim that “the four lower Snake River Dams (LSRDs) can generate 2,650 MW of sustained […]

Request for U.S. Department of Energy Inspector General Investigation of Waste of Federal Funds and Violations of Other Violations of Other Federal Laws by Scofflaw Culture in Upper Management of Bonneville Power Administration

February 28, 2013 Submitted by Northwest Resource Information Center This document provides documentation of Bonneville Power Administration upper management’s calculated profligate waste of federal funds and scofflaw behavior vis-à-vis operations of the Federal Columbia River Power System which, contrary to law, decimated Snake River Basin anadromous fish (herein “salmon”), drove them onto the List of […]