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A plea for help

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ALL CALL…You all know the somber and sobering future facing salmon and orcas. You’ve read the articles, you’ve come up to speed on the issues and now it’s time to put that knowledge to work. Someone among our expanding team of followers may be able to create a much needed spark! Please think through your own network to identify people of influence you can reach out to; elected officials, their staff and government officials, especially in the state of Washington. You or someone you know who can make a personal phone call. KEY FOLKS IN DC HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS CLOSE TO A BREACH DECISION BEFORE, and if we can get an official here to put a call in asking the Corps in DC to fix the problem now, it can make all the difference in the world. Your connections could be the ones that put this over the top. Please ask for help and make a few phone calls. Remember time is of the essence, the Corps must complete the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement by mid-November. So we need to push them now.

You can use this excellent article by Elizabeth Batt that serves as a good update from a respected writer and drives home the message in our current efforts to get Inslee, Murray and other members of the Washington delegation to see the handwriting on the wall and to act immediately.

Please be clear that we are not asking for legislation or the State of Washington to foot any bills for breaching the four Lower Snake Dams. The Corps has an operable EIS with breaching as the only remaining alternative, after having wasted nearly a billion dollars on the non-breach alternatives with no improvements in survival of Snake Salmon or the endangered orcas that depend on them.

If we can’t get the Corps to start drawdown and breach of the first dam before the turnover of power in January, we will lose much that has been gained and will need to start over with the next Administration.

Please REACH OUT, FORWARD & SHARE as widely as possible.