Two upcoming presentations in Idaho

Jim Waddell will be presenting the case for breaching the 4 lower Snake River Dams on July 31 and August 1 in Idaho.  Find out more about the McCall event here.  Find out more about the Hailey event here.

Salmon and Orcas are not doing well this year

The fewest number of whale sightings since the 1970’s in Puget Sound have occurred this year.  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife officials admit that the orca’s food source, Chinook salmon, are not doing well this year, populations are not increasing, and the Snake River dams are one of the potential causes.

Judge: Salmon recovery requires big dam changes on Snake River

May 4, 2016 Seattle Times For the fifth time, a federal judge has called for an overhaul of Columbia and Snake River dam operations to preserve salmon and steelhead. In his ruling, he urged renewed consideration of Lower Snake River dam removal. A federal judge has called for a new approach to Columbia and Snake […]

Letter: Remove dams to save salmon, orca

Published on Thursday, April 28 2016 Capitalism frequently grapples with saving money over saving nature, but what if one choice could be fiscally and environmentally responsible? Our region faces such a solution. The Snake River, which confluences into the Columbia, boasts fifteen dams providing largely hydroelectric uses. The four lower Snake River dams, however, […]

Sierra Magazine: Second Coming

Originally published in the March/April 2000 edition of Sierra Magazine By David James Duncan Click here to read this article in full…

To Save the World’s Most Endangered Killer Whale, You Need to Save Its Dinner

Groundbreaking research finds that imperiled Chinook salmon are crucial to the survival of Southern Resident orcas. Published on takepart and Yahoo News Jan. 15, 2016 The survival of the world’s most endangered killer whales may hinge on whether another species threatened with extinction can also be saved. A new study has definitively shown for the first […]