Environmental Impact Study Comment Period

Feb 28th – April 13th

Six Steps to Act Now

  1. Go to https://comments.crso.info
  2. Copy this suggested comment or use it as a reference

The Southern Resident killer whales and Snake River salmon and steelhead will not survive this EIS study process. As a first step, the federal agencies can and need to begin breaching the four Lower Snake River dams this year. As a parallel step, the agencies can use this new EIS process to undertake future actions. The federal agencies can no longer afford to drag the process out with another EIS that will take years while the salmon and orca go extinct. In addition, BPA’s financial situation will worsen each year that money is lost on the dams. We have tried expensive bypass systems and more spill, and still, 2019 was another year of costly efforts to recover Snake River salmon with no results. Federal agencies need to begin the breaching of the Snake River dams this year.

3. Paste in comment section

4. Enter relevant areas of concern (Dams, EIS, Alternatives, Salmon, etc)

5. Enter your name and city

6. SEND!