Your Voice Matters

Your voice matters! We are united in efforts to free the Snake! Salmon and Orca cannot wait! Here is what you need to know and what you can voice to our representatives and officials: 1. Executive Action 2023This is an emergency response action for the IMMEDIATE drawdown and breach of Lower Granite and Little Goose […]

Another Month, Another Orca, And Still No Action

Thursday, June 14th, 2018 the Orca Task Force reconvened after a month of preparation. Dam Sense participated as one of the public members and listened to the conversations throughout the day. Although dam breaching was one of the proposed action steps, it was in the form of “gather and study information to consider” dam removals. […]

BPA and the Lower Snake dams

On Tuesday, January 30th, 2018, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) announced that it would be cutting funding for fish and wildlife programs. BPA has been in a death spiral lately.  It would rather defend the dams to the death than admit that it’s wrong. For a closer look into the reasons why, read Linwood Laughy’s recent […]

SEATTLE TIMES runs full-page advertorial on Sunday January 7th 2018

NEWS FLASH!  NEWS FLASH!  NEWS FLASH! Please watch for this ad in the paper, learn something new, and share it with your friends, neighbors and relatives.  The message is a call-out to Senator Murray and Governor Inslee of Washington State informing our elected officials of the crisis situation surrounding the critically endangered Southern Resident orcas.  […]

Letter to the Editor, Moscow-Pullman Daily News

December 14, 2017 According to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, in the 1950s and 1960s, 40,000 B-run steelhead crossed the Washington Waterpower dam near the former Potlatch mill at Lewiston. Sawmill workers were known to catch steelhead on their lunch breaks. That was before the four lower Snake River dams existed. After dam […]

Audit: Port of Lewiston’s annual operating loss

Audit: Port of Lewiston’s annual operating loss tops $134,000 Entity’s net position rose to $24.8 million in fiscal year 2017 Lewiston Morning Tribune at December 14, 2017 BY ELAINE WILLIAMS Tax dollars continue to be a key component of the Port of Lewiston’s budget. The port had an operating loss of $134,220 in the […]

Feds unveil key road map for salmon recovery

NOAA recommends focusing on habitat and hatcheries; dam breaching possible future strategy Lewiston Morning Tribune at December 13, 2017 By ERIC BARKER The federal government released in-depth recovery plans for Snake River spring and summer chinook, fall chinook and steelhead Tuesday – the first such plans completed since the fish were placed under Endangered […]